Beachside Village Deep Dive

Quick Facts

Beachside Basics
  • Beachside Village was founded in 2003 by Kahala Development, originally there were 145 home sites and several commercial tracts, 17 home sites were added in 2013, 32 home sites were added in 2016, 16 home sites were added in 2018 and 49 lots were added in 2021 for a total of 259 home sites.
  • There are currently 169 homes in Beachside Village. Approximately 6% are permanent homes, 28% are available as short term rentals and the remaining are second homes.
  • This is an ever-maturing neighborhood and there are typically 5-20 homes under construction at any given time.
Architecture and Design
  • There is no minimum square footage for any home in Beachside Village and there is no timeline within which an owner must begin construction. Homes in the neighborhood range from 1600 – 5000sf.
  • Strong design standards requiring continuity while allowing room for creativity are the foundation of Beachside Village – metal roofs, large decks, fencing, landscaping and attractive colors create an appealing visual within the neighborhood.
  • Architecture and design standards are stated in the Beachside Village Pattern Book. Every home design must be submitted to the Town Architect for review at two separate stages. Once approved, the owner shall choose a builder from the List of Approved Builders. The HOA maintains this list to the benefit of the property owners to ensure that the strict construction standards are adhered to within the community. The Town Architect follows each project through all phases of construction to make sure that the builders are building what has been approved. The Town Architect also performs periodic audits on the homes in the neighborhood to establish that the homes are being adequately maintained.
HOA Fees & Events
  • HOA Fees: Assessed quarterly and billed electronically. Beachfront Lot – $537/quarter, Beachfront Home – $458/quarter, Non-Beachfront Lot $437/quarter, Non-Beachfront Home $358/quarter. While the lot is vacant, the HOA pays to have the vacant lot mowed and when construction begins on the house the assessment is reduced.
  • The HOA Board of Directors hold two events every year – the first is the Annual Meeting, held in the spring, where all property owners are encouraged to attend to get an update of everything happening in Beachside Village and the second is the annual Splash Day Party which is a picnic event, held during the summer, that is catered by Pappas and sno-cones are offered to everyone.
  • The HOA contracts with Ranger Guard & Security to provide security officers in the neighborhood from time to time – every Saturday and Sunday from 10am – 10pm. During the summer, there are two officers during those hours on Saturday and Sunday and an additional officer on Friday afternoon from noon – 10pm, The hours are extended to cover holiday weekends and special event weekends such as Mardi Gras and the Lone Star Motorcycle Rally.
  • Short term rentals are allowed in Beachside Village but owners are required to either have the property managed by a local property management company or use a local company to act as the owners representative should problems arise with renters. There is a list of Rental Regulations that state rules to be followed by all renters and a list of fines that will be assessed the owners if renters are not compliant. An owner or affiliated entities can only own one rental in the neighborhood.