The Beachside Village Story
Decades of Development on
Galveston Island
Born on the island
The Reinharts have a long history of development and residential construction on Galveston Island. Debbie’s family moved here while she was in grade school, so she is an IBC (Islander by Choice), but Bruce can claim BOI (Born on the Island), an illustrious distinction in Galveston for those in the know. In the 1980’s and 90’s, they developed Kahala Beach, Kahala Beach Estates and Sands of Kahala on the West End of the Island, and Bridgeport on Teichman Point on Offatt’s Bayou. In the late 1990’s, the Reinharts moved to Hawaii with their two young children to fulfill a dream they’d had since their honeymoon. They spent three spectacular years in Hawaii and relocated to Austin, Texas in 2000.
New Urbanism
In 2003, Bruce was invited to visit the Island by the Galveston Economic Development Partnership to consider further development on the West End. Bruce and Debbie weren’t looking to get back in the development game, but after identifying a tract of land that called to them, they decided to return to the Island and try a new style of development. Their new focus was New Urbanism, where land is developed with larger green space and parks, bikes are preferred over cars, and common spaces are easily within walking distance. From this chance meeting, the dream of Beachside Village was born!
Pattern for a charming neighborhood
The Reinharts worked with Peter Brown and James Hill, of Civic Design in Houston, to create the land plan that would become Beachside Village. With a heavy influence of Andres Duany & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk (the land planners of Seaside, Florida), Civic Design created the Beachside Village Pattern Book. This document expresses the strict architectural regulations of the community, so that the end result is a combination of an old-fashioned beach town and the charming, elegant historical homes found in Galveston. Metal roofs, generous porches, white picket fences and siding in a festive range of colors are the obvious architectural elements that draw the eye, but every detail creates a peaceful, welcoming neighborhood feel.
Over the years, Bruce and Debbie have purchased neighboring land, expanding the footprint of Beachside Village. All design elements and architectural regulations from the Pattern Book apply to the newer sections of the development. The original land plan contained 145 residential lots, and by early 2022 the development had grown to 259 residential lots. In early 2023, the Reinharts will announce their latest expansion which will add 89 more lots, bringing the total to 348 residential lots.
All in the Family
The Reinharts have served as the property managers for the Beachside Village HOA since its inception in late 2003. In 2015 their son, Austin, joined the team and has assisted in the property management oversight along with working with his parents on their construction projects. Beachside Village is truly a family business that has been a labor of love for almost two decades.